Thursday, March 03, 2005



明欣上回因為一隻污糟貓,被恆哥揶揄是外表光鮮,其實家中污糟邋遢的女仔。雖然我也有笑她,但其實心知自己才是這類人。昨天說起這事,再次強調我房間之亂,沒有任何女士可以比擬。明欣不信,我應承拍照給她證明。沒有廣角鏡,惟有在同一位置自轉拍下多角度照片,把它們接起來扮wide angle,讓她有置身實地之感。明欣,here you are!




NA said...


mclamb said...

home is where your heart is, as the saying goes. too many owe a house wihtout placing their heart in it, and that's when and where the human factor comes into place--it's the members of a household that make a home!

you are what you eat. but having been munching on trashy food (of mixed varieties) lately, i am desparately bafflying my own identity--am i the so-called self-trained, self-fashioned, but semi-professional pastry chef, or am i the untrained, pushed-to-the-limits word ploughers? but for us in the business there's one thing for sure--you are what you write.

Can't wait to kick-off with my own writing regime but again the crazy schedule has made things other than work impossible, at least for the rest of this month. i'll be my master very soon, dwelling in my own private universe which i dearly and heartily call home.
