Tuesday, January 17, 2006

How to sharpen my mind?

集中力愈來愈弱,無論看書、做功課、工作、上網……甚至乎看我最愛的dessert recipes,總之但凡有「字」,我便有障礙,沒能集中超過兩小時,敝家伙!一直以為這是因為老,更一度懷疑自己患了過度活躍症,語音未落,卻原來,我有「精神」病!!

剛拆開新一期TIME,發現這病態名為Attention-Deficit Disorder (ADD)或Attention-Deficit Trait (ADT)。病友症狀何如?

ADD Symptoms
1. They are more irritable than they want to be;
2. Their productivity is declining;
3. They cannot get organized;
4. They are making decisions in black-and-white, shoot-from-the-hip ways rather than giving things adequate thought, all because they feel pressured to get things done quickly.

ADT Symptoms
1. Typical ADD symptoms; but
2. Feel frantic only in certain situations-mainly in the workplace or, for at-home-moms, while managing the home front;
3. Distractibility, impulsiveness and haste.


枯萎前,瞟到一個治標不治本的方法:CAFFEINE improves attention and reasoning.


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