Friday, November 25, 2005







mclamb said...

Dear Lo Fei
'Anger' was so pronounced in your diary that i couldn't help but mentioned to Sam over the phone when he was reflecting on his relationship with his dad. I saw no the joy or peace in mind in your previous sharings which make this little detour so much more endearing.
Your boldness and honesty deserves rounds of applause. It takes lots of courage, guts and integrity in one's character to speak the truth and to spill out your feelings. But as a friend, it breaks my heart to see you tormented and haunted by the ghosts of the past and yet try futilely to comfort yourself with self-denial.
Let go. Though I hate cliches, things will change, for better or worse.
Take good care!

mclamb said...

P.S. I spotted (at least) two typos in my message but forgot how to delete the message. How annoying! Another lession to learn: Let bygones be gones!

fating said...

thanks lamb!

i was not so haunted and am not denying myself, truely! it is all about "righteousness" and "benevolence", and, as you have said, "Let bygones be gones!" then why do i recall grievances that have already disappeared in the middle of nowhere to break the hearts of my friends, my family as well as mine again?

please rest assured that i am always true to myself, my friends and my God. There's nothing to hide away from, just don't want them to be published to hurt any!

how are you these days? do email me!

love from fating

mclamb said...

I'm not in the best shape as far as work (any kind) is concerned, as suggested by the scores of mistakes made such as the daft typo in what really should be 'let bygones be [by]gones'!
other than that, i'm absolutely fine!

fating said...

hey! your "mistake" mocked me la!!

fating said...

你都好得人鍾意o者, 咁識氹阿婆!!

小杜 said...


fating said...

夠啦夠啦我認啦, 我人靚聲甜又善解人意, 讚夠啦o下, 多謝各位!